The holy communal sisterhood aspires with great eagerness, to the purity of the heart of all its members’ the illumination and transformation of their minds, for them to be able to receive by grace, the “eternal knowledge”* and the communion of the “God given mysteries”(…)
The strenuous repentance that destroys all forms of wickedness, the complete sacrifice the spiritual exercise, the voluntary obedience, the holy quiet, the watchfulness and devout prayer, the unceasing await of the Divine Bridegroom, the search for the unceasing communication with Him, and the secret, unfathomable union with Him’ are the works of the monks day and night.
Their life is a conscientious await of the voice, the will, and His nature; and the anticipated end are “God’s promises, of the things that are to come, the adoption by God, theosis and the revelation, the acquisition and the relish of heavenly treasures”.

Parish of the Sisterhood

In any case, the Parish of the sisterhood is a way for her members to experience the beneficent and God-forming gift of the calling in the monastic life. The sisters have the proper attitude, and they have an angel like coordination that matches that of the angels in Heavens. Because everything that they are taught, discuss and decide, has as a goal their common path to theosis. (…)

Internal Life

The nuns inhabit this theological mount and are part of a whole. There are no peculiarities in this commune but inseparable unity and communion, so as in this concord the most holy Triune God to be confessed and glorified. The life of the nuns in the holy Commune is harmonically consisted of vigils in the liking of God, the adoration of God by liturgical life, the beneficial for the soul study and reading and work and ministries by obedience.

About vigil and silence

The nuns, as pure doves they are, they stay awake each night in their cells languishing in veneration, the mercy of God and the “Kingdom of Heaven inside them” by persistent mental prayer.
Inside the quietness of the night they struggle to gain the clarity of the day, the peace of the soul, the understanding of the hidden war their souls are fighting, the bonds there are with sin and passions. Under the soft light of their icons lanterns, they weave the garments of their exemption from sin, of holiness’ they gain the control of the body and the watchfulness of the mind. By staying patient they forbear the Lord, begging Him for the clarity and the health of their souls and the unfathomable discussion and unity with Him. From the annunciations of each night they are reassured about the truth of all that the Lord has promised and they are illuminated with no fallacy so as to “see and act in the right way”(…)

About Adoration and Divine Liturgy

The main church of the Monastery is the spiritual voice of the sisterhood, in which God is praised. This is the place where its members are gathered to adore him, but to also witness His strength and His glory. In the temple all the liturgies of the day and night are performed, without vain novelties, but remaining faithful in the ancient and evergreen rites of our monastic tradition, that of st. Savvas, of the Holy Fathers, authors of Filokalia, of the Holy Fathers respectful of the Holy Tradition of Mt. Athos and Skiathos, which rites owe to also respect all invited reverent priests, following the dictations of the responsible sisters. (…)

Liturgical life is a heavenly womb that gives birth to gods by grace’ this is why all that is performed need to take place in an orderly and decent fashion, with grace and naturalness, lightly but also passionately. Reading hastily or other not reverential acts are not allowed. The chants should be done glibly “with great attention and veneration, with humble spirit without boredom” (…)

The Divine Liturgy is this place where the holy longing of the nuns is fulfilled, as the blessed kingdom of the Holy Trinity is revealed. The holy life is given by the Lord of glory himself, Who makes himself edible “in a divine quality to also make divine those who receive him”. The nuns participating in this utterly true and magnificent Mystery, “as having been fed the same Holy Gifts” are taught to behave guided by the Spirit and they are convinced to “be led by the truth in all aspects” (…)
In the Divine Liturgy their ascetic struggle is completed as well as their spiritual development. During the Liturgy are well accustomed to the notional light of the divine city, and by which are united “into one true and pure knowledge”. This is why the Divine Liturgy comes first before every other work in the Holy Monastery, and if possible is performed every day. The sisters commune the holy gifts as often as possible depending from the blessing they have from the Spiritual Father in agreement with the opinion of the Abbess(…)

*for the recitations of the quotes in brackets please refer to the Greek translation of this page